
New Features

Please take a moment to note our new features: Fun with Fish (we'll see how long this one lasts), a search bar, a popular posts list, a pageview counter, and a few "reaction" checkboxes below the posts. Feedback is appreciated.

Podcast 538

I think it would be really fun to do a podcast to go along with the blog. Problem is, I don't want to do one alone. I would be happy to have a reader as a co-host. All you need is a microphone and audio chatting capabilities, as I will take care of the rest. Email me if you are interested (watch this get no response whatsoever).


Design Changes


Let me know what you all think of the design changes in the comments below. Thanks!


Name Change!

Quick note: I've changed the blog name. The URL will remain the same for now. Continue to read and tell your friends about us!

UPDATE: The URL has been changed. We can now be found at http://www.project-538.blogspot.com.
This will probably make us more difficult to find, as the old URL will not redirect here. Please, followers, tell your friends about the blog. Thanks!