
Buying Crap I Can't Afford

When it comes to spending money, I have a problem. Not as bad as some people, mind you, but it's a problem nonetheless. Of course, being under 18 I lack a credit card, which is something I'm actually glad about. However, this doesn't stop me from wanting to buy things I really don't need and also really can't afford. The most recent example is an Apple iPad. I had a rather heated discussion with my parents last night about buying one. It basically came down to this: most of the things I would do on the IPad I can already do on some device I already own, and spending a rather large chunk of my savings account (yeah, I have no money) on something I don't really need is stupid. Of course, there's also the classic case of "buyer's remorse"; a week or so after I would have bought the thing I would have felt stupid for doing so. Then you have to take into consideration the fact that the iPad is an electronic gadget that is periodically updated (although hasn't been yet), and if you haven't bought one at this point it's probably best to wait for the iPad 2 (or whatever they will call it). So, what do you guys think about this? Sound off in the comments section below, or email me at project538@gmail.com! Also, take note of our new Sidebar Survey question (yeah, I thought of that name as I was typing this), "Which OS do you prefer?". I'm a Mac person myself, but I know we all have our preferences. See you next mission!


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