
On the Infinite Replay Value of Tetris

Everyone knows what Tetris is. Even people who don't play video games know what Tetris is. That's the beauty of it; it's simple if you want it to be, but it's challenging at the same time. You don't "beat" Tetris. It goes on forever, and that's the beauty of it. It's been potted to pretty much every system ever, including cell phones, and if you have it on a mobile device it's great for on-the-go play. The real reason that the replay value is infinite though is because you only play against a high score. Another great thing: Tetris never ends. If you're good enough, you could technically play the game forever. I pick up and play Tetris in quick spurts on my iPod touch when I'm waiting for someone or during car rides. Tetris is, in one word, amazing. So, what do you think? When do you play Tetris? Do you even play Tetris at all? Show how amazing you are at Tetris by sending in your high scores (screenshots are required for verification) to project538@gmail.com. Make sure you have "Tetris" in the subject line so I don't mark it as spam. I'll post the highest scores here when I get enough responses. See you next mission!

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