
I'm Back!

There was a time when I was posting on this blog quite frequently. Then along came a period of time when the post frequency seriously diminished, due to the loss of my primary posting tool, an iPod touch. Since I have re-acquired that iPod, I would like to announce that something wonderful has happened: my post frequency is going to go back up, provided that I have things to write about.
Currently my life is calm enough that ranting about whatever on here doesn't feel necessary. That's not to say I won't rant in the future, of course. As it happens, anything worthy of writing about is too personal for a blog that's open to the public. I'm not about to turn this in to my Internet diary that only everyone has access to.
Aaaanyway, I'm not really sure where to go from here, so I'll sign off. As we used to say here, I'll see you next mission!

1 comment:

  1. so glad you're back! I question the purpose of blogs because, in your case, without a topic to write about and not wanting to make this an online diary, what is there to say? but I do enjoy reading your blog, so hopefully you can think of something to rant about:)
