

First of all, apologies for not posting over the holidays. Not that it matters. Enough people hopefully wished you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year anyway. So, here's a sure sign you're a geek: if you get excited when your parents come home with a nice, shiny new keyboard, you might wanna check yourself. Yes, I just did this. If you must know (and even if you don't care I'm going to post about it anyway), it's an Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad. Yes, that's capitalized properly. It's the product name. Anyway, I love it. It has the 'chicklet" keys, as opposed to the raised ones. It feels a lot faster to type on. Watch out, that might mean much longer posts here (which I guess is better than no posting at all).


  1. It's me, your fellow co-admin from the Samus Page. I recently came across an older post mentioning your desire to attempt a podcast. I'd be more than happy to participate in it, I do have a mic, but I'd like to know what you would recommend for the audio chat program, as this would be my first step into the world of audio chatting.

  2. I thought my status as co-admin was supposed to be a secret, Elihu. Now you've stuck it on the Internet for the whole world to see. As for a chat program recommendation, I'm not sure it would actually matter. I would be using iChat, which in conjunction with GarageBand would do all the recording. If Skype is able to work in conjunction with GarageBand as well, then I would be willing to switch to that if you have it. I'm not actually sure if iChat is capable of interfacing with other audio chat programs. Being that you and I are co-administrators, we have alternate ways of contacting each other, so I'll end this here and shoot you a message someplace else. Thanks for expressing your interest though. Project538, out
